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        Tianjin Insight, seeing Tianjin through expat eyes

        稿源:津滨网   编辑:严玉霞   2021-10-01 00:33

        Tianjin recently released the Tianjin Insight series, which presents a panoramic view of the port city’s evolution and achievements through the eyes of expats living in the city.
        Tianjin is an over-600-year-old coastal city right next to Beijing in North China. It is a balanced mix of old and new, abundant in historical and cultural resources and a major economic center with national impact.
        It has witnessed positive outcomes in its efforts to pursue high-quality development, and will continue boosting productivity and seeking new momentum to foster green and sustainable development.
        This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC and the beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan.
        During this period, Tianjin will embark on new development efforts in its grand new chapter of becoming a modern socialist metropolis, and create a model of "twin towns"- the downtown and the coastal town area.
        Over the next five years, the city will also hasten efforts to emerge as an international commercial hub and shopping center.




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